Asbestos Management Plans and Unexpected Finds Protocols

Ensuring Comprehensive Asbestos Management

Asbestos management is critical for maintaining a safe environment in any property, whether commercial, government, or residential. Effective management involves not only identifying and assessing asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) but also implementing comprehensive plans and protocols to handle both known and unexpected asbestos finds.

WHAT IS AN ASBESTOS management plan?

An Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) is a documented plan that outlines how asbestos, and ACMs will be managed in a property. This includes procedures for maintaining and monitoring ACMs, as well as protocols for dealing with incidents and emergencies.

unexpected finds protocols

Despite thorough planning, asbestos may be unexpectedly discovered during building activities. Our Unexpected Finds Protocols ensure that such discoveries are managed swiftly and safely, minimizing the risk of exposure.


  • Detailed surveys to identify and assess the condition of ACMs.

  • Comprehensive documentation of the location, type, and condition of ACMs.

  • Strategies to minimize exposure to asbestos, including encapsulation, enclosure, or removal.

  • Clear guidelines for dealing with asbestos-related emergencies.

  • Education and training for employees and contractors on asbestos risks and safe handling procedures.

  • Halting all work in the area to prevent disturbance of ACMs..

  • Informing all relevant parties, including workers, managers, and regulatory bodies.

  • Conducting an urgent assessment to determine the nature and extent of the asbestos find.

  • Implementing immediate control measures to prevent fibre release.

  • Engaging licensed professionals to safely manage the unexpected ACMs.

  • Ensuring the area is safe for re-occupancy and updating the Asbestos Register and Management Plan accordingly.



Our services adhere to the following key regulations and guidelines:

  • This act outlines the duty of care required to manage health and safety risks, including those posed by asbestos.

  • Details specific requirements for asbestos management, including the need for asbestos registers and management plans.

  • Provides practical guidance on developing and implementing AMPs and handling unexpected finds.

  • Outlines procedures for safe asbestos removal, which are integral to managing unexpected finds.

At NorthCE, we offer expert Asbestos Management Plans and Unexpected Finds Protocols tailored to meet Australian regulations and ensure the safety of all property occupants.

For more detailed information or to schedule a consultation, please contact us.

Why choose North CE?

Contact us.

Ensure your property is safe and compliant with professional Asbestos Management Plans and Unexpected Finds Protocols. Contact NorthCE today to discuss your needs and schedule a consultation. Our team is ready to provide expert guidance and support every step of the way.