Welcome to North CE, your trusted partner in managing lead contamination risks in Australia. Our consultancy services cater to commercial, government, and private residential clients, providing comprehensive solutions for identifying, assessing, and mitigating lead hazards. Our team of experts ensures compliance with Australian standards and international best practices, safeguarding health, and the environment.

understanding lead and it’s hazards


Lead is a toxic heavy metal historically used in various applications, including paint, plumbing, and industrial processes. Despite its widespread use, lead poses significant health risks, especially to children and pregnant women. Exposure to lead can result in severe health issues such as neurological damage, developmental delays, and cardiovascular problems.


  • Health Risks: Prolonged exposure to lead can cause severe health problems. Children are particularly vulnerable, facing risks like reduced IQ, learning disabilities, and behavioural issues. In adults, lead exposure can lead to hypertension, kidney damage, and reproductive issues.

  • Environmental Hazards: Lead contamination affects soil, water, and air quality, posing long-term ecological risks. Lead in the environment can harm wildlife and contaminate food sources..


Lead was commonly used in:

  • Paints: Before the 1970s, lead-based paints were widely used in residential and commercial buildings.

  • Plumbing: Lead pipes and solder were used in plumbing systems, contributing to water contamination.

  • Industrial Applications: Lead is used in batteries, shielding for radiation, and various manufacturing processes.


Potential Sources of Lead Contamination

  • Walls, Ceilings and Floors: Lead-based paints are often found on walls, ceilings, floors of garages and warehouses.

  • Soil: Lead contamination in soil can occur due to industrial activities, leaded petrol residues, and deteriorating lead-based paints.

  • Dust: Lead dust can accumulate in homes and workplaces from peeling paint, lead petrol residues, nearby (present/past) industrial pollution, and fumes from burning wood or coal.

  • Our lead inspection services include thorough assessments of buildings and properties to identify potential lead hazards. We use state-of-the-art technology to detect lead presence in paint, dust, and soil.

  • We provide precise sampling and analysis to determine lead concentrations in various materials. Our laboratory services adhere to Australian standards, ensuring accurate and reliable results.

  • IOur risk assessment process evaluates the extent of lead contamination and its potential impact on health and the environment. We develop tailored risk management plans to address specific client needs.

  • We offer comprehensive remediation management services to remove lead contamination safely and effectively. Our team ensures all remediation activities comply with Australian regulations and international best practices.


  • Our consultancy services align with key Australian standards and guidelines, including:

    • AS 4361.1-2017: Guide to Lead Paint Management – Industrial Applications

    • AS 4361.2-2017: Guide to Lead Paint Management – Residential and commercial buildings

    • AS 2601-2001: The Demolition of Structures

    • Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW)

    • Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 (NSW), particularly:

    §  Chapter 3 – General Risk and Workplace Management

    §  Chapter 7 – Hazardous Chemicals

    §  Chapter 10 – Major Hazard Facilities

    §  Part 7.6 – Lead

    • SafeWork NSW Code of Practice for Managing Risks of Hazardous Chemicals in the Workplace

    • Guidelines for Health Surveillance under the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2017 (Safe Work Australia)

    • Guidance on the Interpretation of Workplace Exposure Standards for Airborne Contaminants (Safe Work Australia, 2013)

    • Managing Risks of Hazardous Chemicals in the Workplace – Code of Practice (Safe Work Australia, 2020)

    • National Environmental Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure 1999

    • NSW EPA Contaminated Land Management Act 1997

    • NSW EPA Guidelines for Assessing Service Station Sites

    • NSW EPA Guidelines for the NSW Site Auditor Scheme (3rd Edition)

    • NSW EPA Guidelines on the Duty to Report Contamination under the CLM Act 1997

    • NSW EPA Environmental Guidelines: Solid Waste Landfills

    • NSW EPA Environmental Guidelines: Assessment and Management of Hazardous Ground Gases

    • NSW EPA Sampling Design Guidelines

    • NSW EPA Technical Note: Investigation of Service Station Sites

  • We incorporate best practices from leading global authorities, such as:

    • Canada: Health Canada's guidelines for lead in paint and soil

    • U.S.A: EPA’s Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule (RRP)

    • U.K: Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidelines on lead

    • Singapore: National Environment Agency (NEA) guidelines

    • Hong Kong: Environmental Protection Department’s (EPD) regulations


Why choose North CE?

Contact us.

For further guidance and consultation, reach out to North CE. We are dedicated to providing high-quality, high-value lead management solutions tailored to your specific needs.