Project Management Services for Lead and Lead Containing Materials

Lead exposure remains a significant concern in renovation, construction, and demolition activities. Effective project management services are essential for ensuring safety and compliance when dealing with lead and lead-containing materials.

The Need for a Lead Management Plan

A lead management plan is crucial for identifying and mitigating risks associated with lead exposure. This plan outlines strategies for safe handling, removal, and disposal of lead-containing materials, ensuring regulatory compliance and safeguarding worker and public health.


Canada and USA: Emphasis on worker safety and environmental protection.

UK and Singapore: Stringent regulations and comprehensive risk assessment frameworks.

Hong Kong: Advanced lead management and abatement techniques.


Health and Safety: Protects workers and occupants from lead poisoning.

Regulatory Compliance: Ensures adherence to WHS Regulations and Australian Standards.

Environmental Protection: Prevents contamination of soil and water.

Risk Mitigation: Reduces potential legal and financial liabilities.


    • Detail procedures for safe removal of lead paint and dust.

    • Include methods such as chemical stripping, wet sanding, and HEPA vacuuming.

    • Follow guidelines from AS 4361.2-2017, SafeWork NSW and NSW EPA.

    • Lead Paint Removal: Use chemical strippers or wet methods to minimize dust.

    • Lead Dust Cleanup: Employ HEPA vacuuming and wet wiping techniques.

    • Renovation in Pre-1970 Buildings: Special care for areas likely to have lead paint.

    • Use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and respiratory protection.

    • Proper containment and ventilation to prevent lead dust spread.

    • Regular air and biological monitoring, including blood tests for workers.


    • Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW)

    • Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 (NSW): Chapter 7 – Hazardous Chemicals, Part 7.6 – Lead.

    • AS 4361.1-2017: Industrial Applications

    • AS 4361.2-2017: Residential and Commercial Buildings

    • AS/NZS 4801:2001: Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems

    • AS 2601-2001: The Demolition of Structures

Effective project management in lead risk work not only ensures compliance with WHS Regulations and Australian Standards but also protects health and the environment. At North CE, our competent persons can aid you in developing and implementing lead management plans to ensure the highest standards of safety and efficiency in your projects.

For more detailed information or to schedule a consultation, please contact us.

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For more information or to arrange for a lead management plan, contact us today. Ensure the safety and compliance of your building projects with our expert consultancy services.